How to Write SEO & User Friendly Content

In simpler words, SEO content writing is web writing keeping search engine behavior in mind. Since, all your web content is published with the aim of achieving good search engine ranking, it definitely makes sense to write content that will appeal search engine and give you a better ranking. However, some people may think that while writing SEO content you may compromise on user friendly aspect. Fortunately, SEO content writing and good web content writing practices are often complimentary to each other rather than contradicting. Meaning, if you produce a good piece of SEO content, then you would anyway contribute to a better user experience in terms of content. So, how to write SEO & user friendly content? Here are some tips to help you out
Many digital marketing agencies are training their content writers on SEO content practices so that the content produced is rich and search engine friendly.
• Keyword Analysis
Any SEO company begins its project with keyword analysis! Keyword analysis allows you to understand what are the keywords users are searching to access your website. Incorporating these keywords in your content makes it search engine friendly.
• Research
Check a couple of good websites in your domain and see what kind of content they publish. Know your audience, their background, the kind of information they love to read and only then finalize the topic for your content.
• Title Optimization
Make sure the title of your topic is extremely relevant to the content and is optimized. A title with 65-70 characters is considered appropriate. It would be great if you can include a keyword in the first part of title itself. A metatag or short description about your content should invariably have a keyword in it, and it must not be longer than 150 characters
• Keyword Distribution
Keywords should be evenly distributed throughout the content. Have one instance of keyword in the introductory paragraph and then distribute them evenly throughout the content in the most natural flow. Stuffing your content with keywords is considered a black hat SEO practice and if you indulge in it, your site risks getting blacklisted.
• Create Relevant, Original Content
Search engines have their own ways of detecting copied content. Providing links to original content after copy pasting a chunk of text may seem ethical, but it is certainly not a great practice to produce SEO content. Search engine may look down upon your page and this could severely hamper its ranking. Similarly, the content that you have published needs to be extremely relevant to the user's query. Remember, search engine algorithms are user centric, hence they perfectly know what can appeal to users.
• Content Presentation
Presenting content in a pleasant way is utmost essential to engage a user and urge him to read more and come back to your website. Use proper images, tables, bulleted lists and other graphical elements wherever required. Have ample white spaces as it helps the user to look for relevant information more quickly.
• Image Optimization
Always provide relevant caption for your image. The image tag should define exactly what the image is about. Avoid using numerical or irrelevant characters to tag image. Image tags are a great way of telling search engine that your content is interactive and relevant. However, do not use keywords in the image text as the search engine does not crawl through the image text.
• Increasing Content Credibility
Users are more likely to return to your website if they find your content to be expertly written. Publishing the credentials of writer is a good idea to let the readers form a positive opinion about your content. Interlinking also contributes to good user experience as the readers can navigate through useful information easily.
While writing SEO content make sure you also adhere to good writing practices, which include checking your content for spellings and grammar. Proofread your content and get it reviewed before publishing it. If you have any queries regarding web writing leave us a reply in comments section or email us at and we will be happy to help you out.
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